My name is Ahmad Nurhadiyan Alifdiandra but my family and my friends used to call me Hedy. Actually, I don't know why my parents called me Hedy but I know that my full name doesn't have good nickname to call, so it will be strange to change my nickname right now. I always believes that life's greatest experience exists outside my comfort zone. I always say “yes” to go to new places that I have never been to, and very interested to talk with you about movies and music.
One of my biggest achievements is winning basketball competition. With this team we manage to become 1st Winner of DBL West Java Series.
This is photos of me and my teammates winning the competition after dedicated a lot of time to practice. I still remember how crowded it was. All of my friends and my teachers always supported us from very first day and without them we will not be at the highest level.
I almost foregt, as you already know, I'm now an Industrial Engineering student who also become a laboratory assistant at Manufacturing System Laboratory .Currently, I've made this blog to fulfill assignment from one of my subject. If you read my blog, it will tell you about management information system.
I hope you will like what I write!
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